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Note-taking Software for Windows (FREE)

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@note-taker: I won't attempt to answer your specific questions as that would result in my trying to justify my POV, and that would be irrational - albeit human - and a potentially unproductive use of my time.
"When given the choice between changing one's mind or proving one's point of view, most people get busy on the proof." (JK Galbraith)
--- End quote ---
So, just take what I wrote as my POV please. The only reason I wrote what I did was to give you some feedback that might be a useful addition to the ad hoc collection of  other peoples' POVs that you had referred to previously.

I say this because POVs generally have no basis in statistical validity and do not constitute a valid argument, so cannot be legitimately used to prove anything rational.
From experience, I would suggest that if you challenge people's POVs or push them into a position where they feel obliged to justify their POV, then they will usually try to oblige (though it is irrational to do so, QED), and then they could tend to clam up and not give you much more of their POV because the whole experience seemed just too unrewarding and tiresome/difficult.

Have just installed the program, do not like it opening I.E, prefer Firefox.  So sorry, not for me.


Have just installed the program, do not like it opening I.E, prefer Firefox.  So sorry, not for me.

-wales (April 11, 2010, 10:59 AM)
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It's easy to change once you install it.

It's mentioned in the installation instructions (emphasis added):

Installation Instructions (Read Carefully)

(1) If your computer's OS is Vista or Windows 7, you may want to turn off UAC (User Account Control) first.

Steps to turn off UAC
a. Control Panel
b. User Accounts (and Family Safety)
c. User Accounts
d. Turn User Account Control on or off (at the bottom)
When prompted with a confirmation screen click on Continue
e. Uncheck Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer
f. Reboot

(2) Close all programs before installation.
(3) Click on the knowledgenotebook_v278.exe installer and then click on Install.
(4) When installation is complete, wait for about a minute or a little bit longer, the screen may appear to freeze but it does not, the Knowledge NoteBook software will launch with IE browser automatically. Please note, you can switch to Firefox later on if you wish. But be aware that IE7 and above is the primary browser that this program supports.
--- End quote ---

I'm running it under Firefox as we speak, and it IMHO it runs better. Or at least it does on the the "antique" laptop I've got it running on right now.


I am college student and I have been using knowledge notebook for a few weeks now. I have had a good experience with it so far. It is good for me that the software is fairly simple to use. Before using this I was one of the many students using ms word, so it is nice when using this software to be able to do a lot more with my notes by using some of the different features it has. So overall I just wanted to give a perspective from someone who has been using it.

Have just installed the program, do not like it opening I.E, prefer Firefox.  So sorry, not for me.
-wales (April 11, 2010, 10:59 AM)
--- End quote ---
It's easy to change once you install it.
-40hz (April 11, 2010, 02:42 PM)
--- End quote ---
In Europe you can now choose which browser you wan't to install, so there might be computers without IE.


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