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Sagelight Image Editor - pay what you want promo (Apil 2010)

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For those interested in RAW conversion, there is a very interesting post on 11th April in the Sagelight BLOG.
-Dormouse (April 13, 2010, 05:29 AM)
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Wow, that *is* an interesting blog post. But FFS why doesn't he mention the names of the programs he compared to? What does he have to lose? It's a factual comparison. There shouldn't be any legal or other problems, should there?

Before that blog post I honestly had little interest in Sagelight. Now I'm definitely going to try it when I get home.

- Oshyan

I downloaded the trial of Sagelight... does anyone know if it can do lens correction (similar to DPP from Canon)?  I looked but could not find it...
-kfitting (April 13, 2010, 10:25 AM)
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I haven't used it much, but don't think it would have. It doesn't sell itself as a raw processor especially and it would be expensive to get sucked into that. Rob's already found it time consuming to support plugins. You would probably have to use something like PTLens or be very careful about how much you allow DPP to do.

Before that blog post I honestly had little interest in Sagelight. Now I'm definitely going to try it when I get home. -JavaJones (April 13, 2010, 01:40 PM)
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If you're happy with what you have and know how to use it, then I'm not sure it's worth changing your workflow. What Rob talks about is applicable whatever software you use. That said his plans for Sagelight are very promising.

Before that blog post I honestly had little interest in Sagelight. Now I'm definitely going to try it when I get home. -JavaJones (April 13, 2010, 01:40 PM)
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If you're happy with what you have and know how to use it, then I'm not sure it's worth changing your workflow. What Rob talks about is applicable whatever software you use. That said his plans for Sagelight are very promising.
-Dormouse (April 13, 2010, 02:48 PM)
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That's just it. I haven't settled on a package yet, and my absolute biggest priority is *proper* RAW processing. Which is why it's so important to me that he names the packages he tested, so I know A: how to reproduce the tests he's done with my own files and B: potentially what products to avoid or at least be wary of due to improper RAW processing. There is also the possibility that he accepted the program's defaults but that there are ways to get more "baseline" RAW output from a given tool and he just didn't use it, in which case naming the software would allow users of it to point out how the test might be made more fair.

- Oshyan

... there is a very interesting post on 11th April in the Sagelight BLOG.
-Dormouse (April 13, 2010, 05:29 AM)
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... why doesn't he mention the names of the programs he compared to? What does he have to lose? It's a factual comparison. There shouldn't be any legal or other problems, should there?
-JavaJones (April 13, 2010, 01:40 PM)
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Maybe there is. In Denmark it is not legit for a company to advertise their own test against a competitor.


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