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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Sagelight Image Editor - pay what you want promo (Apil 2010)

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Just to clarify as I think my last post was not totally solid on this: Part of the idea here is that multiple users of a given app would learn from each other using specific and easily comparable examples. This is a system designed for image comparison and differentiation. So it's not just that you'd find out whether DxO handles Sony RAW files better than Capture One, you'd also find out how other Sony users use DxO to process their RAW files.

If voting were involved, imagine a statistics are that shows the most highly voted processing results, and aggregates them across RAW processors, taking numerical result representation into account (i.e. if one app does not have as many processed results as another it is noted as a less accurate result, but is not "punished").

I think it could be a very powerful learning and product comparison tool. I'd call it "RAW Spot", or maybe "RAWsome". ;)

- Oshyan

If voting were involved, imagine a statistics are that shows the most highly voted processing results, and aggregates them across RAW processors, taking numerical result representation into account (i.e. if one app does not have as many processed results as another it is noted as a less accurate result, but is not "punished").
-JavaJones (April 15, 2010, 01:22 PM)
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you'd have to be careful with voting - the problem Rob (I think that's his name - Sagelight) pointed out was that initially people were choosing the conversion that was damaged over the one that was better converted. But I guess you'd be aware of that...

Yeah, I think there are a couple things to consider with voting.

First of all this would theoretically be a community of serious RAW enthusiasts, so they'd know what they're looking for. Seeing blown highlights, clipped shadows, etc. would theoretically make them rate something down, even if the overall contrast and tone were "pleasing".

I think it would also be good to have at least a few categories for rating, perhaps with the final score an aggregate or something. So for example rate on the following attributes that are particular to RAW conversion: Range Preservation, Detail, Overall Appeal. Careful selection of the rating criteria should help ensure reasonably reliable results.

Methods to discourage favoritism might be necessary as well. It would be important to consider whether votes should be anonymous. Votes might also include comments (optionally). It could be like ratings/reviews on e.g. Newegg or Amazon for example (Newegg perhaps more applicable as the review there are generally short).

The idea of the site continues to evolve in my mind, but the core concept is definitely consistent, and remains appealing to me. I still don't hear a lot of interest from others, though I certainly appreciate the feedback, ideas, and constructive criticism. But, would you use the site? ;)

- Oshyan

But, would you use the site? ;)
-JavaJones (April 15, 2010, 03:10 PM)
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lol - I dont use RAW - I just following the discussion & like keeping track of things photographic

:) any other takers ??

As we are no longer really discussing the Sagelight deal, I propose moving our discussion on RAW converters to a new thread in "General Software Discussion."  Perhaps a moderator could split the thread for us?


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