I'd love to know what programmes he tried!
I really like what he writes - blog and forum - it's very informative and he's open & honest and seems to plan on making a good programme great 
Me too; I'm hoping it will slip out some time. Of course, his comments can only really apply to the automatic settings (I hope so anyway) - if you use the histograms to manage the development for each pic then this won't happen. But that takes so much more time. It also emphasises to me the need to do cropping in raw as that can change what the histogram sees.
My own workflow is to copy the RAWs on to the computer untouched and unprocessed. And making sure I have a set that stays that way.
I then put everything through DxO on automatic settings. That gives me a better idea of what might be there.
When I want to print or use a photo, I go back to the RAW and take it through manually.
And then do final editing/tweaking on the jpg.
(I am especially good at the first two stages

I hope this insulates me from the problems he describes. I do find the way he writes very helpful and informative.
Partly, maybe, because he seems to share a lot of my own prejudices.
He likes Faststone amongst the free image viewers - which has never felt fashionable view.
He dislikes the plasticky images produced by too much noise removal and prettifying.
He hates anything that causes a loss of more information than absolutely necessary.
I think I will probably buy and upgrade Sagelight as it develops purely to support his writing. I can see that reading him may well help me change and develop my approach and techniques. I haven't really decided how much I will use it yet (I have collected a lot of these programs over the years), but it may be that I will end up using it a lot.