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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

First iPad Reviews Are In

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On January 22, 1984, Apple Computer ran the following ad in the third quarter of Superbowl XVIII. It was seen by 38.8 million television viewers - a number that represents 46.4% of all households - and 71% of the entire USA television audience on the day it aired...

Now take a look at Steve Jobs' 1983 Apple keynote speech:

Pay close attention around the 3 minute mark.

It is now 1984.

(dramatic pause...)

It appears IBM wants it all.

Apple is perceived to be the only hope to offer IBM a run for its money. Dealers initially welcoming IBM with open arms now fear an IBM-dominated and controlled future.

They are increasingly turning back to Apple as the only force that can ensure their future freedom.

IBM wants it all and is aiming its guns on its last obstacle to industry control: Apple.

Will Big Blue  dominate the entire computer industry? The entire information age?

Was George Orwell right?
--- End quote ---

And while it's true that 1984 ended up not being "like 1984," the year 2010 is sure starting to feel that way.

Bravo Steve!  :Thmbsup:

(I still can't make up my mind whether to laugh or cry.)

Or maybe just throw up.

The Gizmodo website sums up the early iPad reviews and they are quite positive..
-mouser (April 01, 2010, 07:52 AM)
--- End quote ---

Im still not buying one! lol

A good "real person" review on Slashdot:

This is probably closer to the likely views of the DC tech-savvy audience than some of the other reviews seen so far.

- Oshyan

then there's this one -

Oh yeah, I was so glad to see Will It Blend is still on the ball. :D I wasn't sure what he was going to do with it at first since it doesn't fit, so what came next was a bit of a shock, but oddly satisfying. :P

- Oshyan


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