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T-Clock 2010 (download)

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No need to try to reproduce it ;) It's ok... more or less... I might recheck one or two things and maybe I'll find something. If not, someone else might find it as time passes.

I can't get this to work with Win 8.1 ... Any Ideas..??


try the latest version :P

P.S. it's really a new version ;)

Thanks for the new version. Seems to work OK on Windows 8.1 here. It is just the right click menu that always opens on main display. Calendar opens on the correct display (where mouse pointer is).

weird... the context menu was never an issue for me... at least not when I've tested it :P

Is it possible that your 2nd monitor (or at least the one you've tested it with) is on the left of your primary? In this case, I could reproduce it... damn Windows API functions xD

edit: now fixed in trunk:
Though I'll wait a few hours before releasing it because of other possible issues, such as Clock doesn't even start on movrshakr's Win8.1


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