Software > T-Clock
T-Clock 2010 (download)
well... the history in it is still the same... with my little addition at the end...
There isn't that much space actually.. so I'll either have to add scrollbars, shorten the text or leave it the way it is^^
I might remove the "Redux" text as well... You really want Two_toNe there?
How about the Stoic Joker icon btw ;) Is it ok? I personally like the darken color.. but it's your Logo after all..
Stoic Joker:
well... the history in it is still the same... with my little addition at the end...-WhiteTigX (June 18, 2014, 04:51 PM)
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Hm... Looks like a wrapping issue then. I just poked through the source for my old build 95 to see where/what could have happened and IIRC that string was modified at compile time to read differently on the 32 and 64 bit builds. Since I can't even figure out where I hid the changes - That's probable the issue.
There isn't that much space actually.. so I'll either have to add scrollbars, shorten the text or leave it the way it is^^
I might remove the "Redux" text as well... You really want Two_toNe there?-WhiteTigX (June 18, 2014, 04:51 PM)
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Without Two_toNe's code the XP theme support would not have happened on my watch. So it's only fair that he be properly mentioned.
(Space) LOL ...You don't what to know how many time I had to resize and restructure the controls for those dialogs to get everything to fit. :)
The line was supposed to read... Shit ... I remember now! The text in the .rc file was only a design time filler for the dialog editor. It gets replaced when compiled with the text in the tclock.h file (relevant code is below).
For x64:
#define ABT_ME "T-Clock 2010 x64 is my rewrite of their code which allows it to run on Windows XP, Vista, && 7 x64 Editions. While I have removed some of T-Clock's previous functionality. I feel this makes it a more \"Administrator Friendly\" application as it no longer requires elevated privileges to run."
For x86:
#define ABT_ME "T-Clock 2010 is my rewrite of their code which allows it to run on Windows 7, Vista, XP, && 2000. While I have removed some of T-Clock's previous functionality. I feel this makes it a more \"Administrator Friendly\" application as it no longer requires elevated privileges to run."
My intention was to acknowledge the removal of Win 9x support - it had to go to get the x64 code to compile - and the addition of some touchups to smooth out Vista & 7 operation.
If you have to shorten it that's fine, the permissions reduction doesn't really stand out much these days (it's kind of required/assumed). So just cut me back to the x64 XP/Vista/7 and x86 Vista/7 compatibility, and save the rest of the space for own updates.
How about the Stoic Joker icon btw ;) Is it ok? I personally like the darken color.. but it's your Logo after all..-WhiteTigX (June 18, 2014, 04:51 PM)
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Sorry, I forgot to mention that does look rather nice. Seriously, I might save a copy to use later if it's ok with you. TBH I actually received a few complaints about the old one being ugly as hell.
But at this point I think that spot would be better served with a copy of that White Tiger logo you have on the GitHub page. ;)
I do appreciate the acknowledgement, but it's your project now ... Go ahead and claim it. :D
Stoic Joker
well I have no real logo :P And the one in the about screen now is just the one you use as an avatar here... I've screwed it up a little as I tried to get the background transparent... that's the result xD
It's not even as perfect as I'd like it to be...
The "code" you've posted doesn't mention "Two_toNe" at all... actually it's the same in my version... I've attached a screen how it "should" look like:
T-Clock 2010 (download)
hmm... needed my own screen shot to see that "Two_toNe" is actually mentioned xD That's the part with T-Clock2^^
Everything you did seems to work. But I didn't notice an actual menu item for the alarm clock, neither in the options nor the default menu. Being able to use a click option is fine, but I think a menu item would be good, too. And a fold out menu listing all defined alarms--similar to the Timers menu--would be amazing.
Something I didn't mention before: It's not obvious how to create a new menu item in the "Menu Item Details" tab. It might be a good idea to add a "New Menu Item" button. I just now figure out that I have to start from the "Quicky Menu Items" tab.
Not trying to put a downer on all your work, BTW. It's pretty cool! I wouldn't have said anything, except you asked if I got everything I wanted.
I just want to say how great it is to see continued development and maintenance of t-clock. :up:
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