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T-Clock 2010 (download)

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When using a negative width in the "Clock Text" tab, next time the hour changes the width will appear as if the width setting was double the amount I have chosen.
For example, if I set the width to -32, the next hour (or if I just change the system time manually) the width will go to and remain at -64 (even if it's impossible to set manually).
It's not really a problem as I can just set it to -16 to get -32, but thought I'd point it out.

If it matters (haven't really tested every possibility...), my time format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss".

Stoic Joker:
...I was/am shooting for either an incident (of black-out) where T-Clock's feature isn't enabled. Or a longer term episode like the one you mentioned having to shutdown to get out of.
-Stoic Joker (April 02, 2011, 04:31 PM)
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I have had no incidents occur when Tcolock was not enabled.

The time I had to do the shutdown was when it was in one of the off-on blink manifestations.  The ones where it completely went to black and stayed there, I was able to get back in a normal way...though I do not remember now whether a log in was required for those.  Those happened first; the last 2 or 3 were the blinking kind.-movrshakr (April 02, 2011, 07:38 PM)
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Guess I need to do a bit of digging them ... Let me know how the test progresses.


When using a negative width in the "Clock Text" tab, next time the hour changes the width will appear as if the width setting was double the amount I have chosen.
For example, if I set the width to -32, the next hour (or if I just change the system time manually) the width will go to and remain at -64 (even if it's impossible to set manually).
It's not really a problem as I can just set it to -16 to get -32, but thought I'd point it out.

If it matters (haven't really tested every possibility...), my time format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss".
-ajp_anton (April 04, 2011, 10:29 AM)
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Just so I can duplicate this properly (first try failed), you are saying that the setting in the properties dialog is doubling (which has a corresponding ill effect on the clock's display output), correct?

And would I be correct in assuming that you are using the latest released build (95) of T-Clock?


When using a negative width in the "Clock Text" tab, next time the hour changes the width will appear as if the width setting was double the amount I have chosen.
For example, if I set the width to -32, the next hour (or if I just change the system time manually) the width will go to and remain at -64 (even if it's impossible to set manually).
It's not really a problem as I can just set it to -16 to get -32, but thought I'd point it out.

If it matters (haven't really tested every possibility...), my time format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss".
-ajp_anton (April 04, 2011, 10:29 AM)
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Just so I can duplicate this properly (first try failed), you are saying that the setting in the properties dialog is doubling (which has a corresponding ill effect on the clock's display output), correct?

And would I be correct in assuming that you are using the latest released build (95) of T-Clock?-Stoic Joker (April 04, 2011, 11:38 AM)
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Latest build, yes.

In properties, if I want a width of -x, I'd just set it to -x, right? This works for a while as expected.
However, the next time the hour digit changes (which I can also do manually by changing the system time), the clock layout will suddenly display as if the width was set to -2x. When going to properties, the width is still set to -x, and if I click "Apply" (have to change something to activate the button), the clock will jump back to -x and stay there until the hour digit changes again.
My workaround is to set the width to -x/2, and change the system timer by one hour in any direction (to get my -x width) and back again (for correct time). The width setting in the properties will keep showing -x/2, so every time I change any setting, the width will be set to -x/2 again until the hour changes.

Sorry for the long post, it's a bit complicated and didn't find an easy way to explain it =).

edit: attempt at a short explanation:
If width is negative: Every time the hour digit changes, it sets the width to double whatever the width setting is, without actually changing the setting. To fight back I could "apply" the settings again every hour, or just "give up" and set the width to half of what I want.

I don't know if there are plans to use the "GetTickCount64" function instead of the "GetTickCount" function in getting the uptime but it would be nice.

The new function does not have the 49.7 day limit.
It is supported starting with Vista.
(It does not require 64 bit OS).

Are there plans to use Environment variables for the display?
I would like to use the "COMPUTERNAME" variable in my display format, so I don't have to hard code the machine name.

This makes it easier for support when I need to know the computer name.


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