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T-Clock 2010 (download)

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my wish: get erikts some external speakers  :P

Stoic Joker:
I use T-Clock 2010 but I don't have external speaker.  :(
My wish: Allow user to use PC Speaker's beep for hourly chime.  :)-erikts (December 29, 2010, 08:22 PM)
--- End quote ---

I can't guarantee a time-line, but I will look into it as an option.

if you do want to allow use of pc system beep instead of a wav sound file, a universal solution that would require no change in the UI would be too allow person to specify: "BEEP" as the sound file name, and when you see that beep the speaker instead of trying to play a sound file.  If you want to get fancy, allow different numbers of beeps, like: "BEEP3", which could be useful for alarms, etc.

Stoic Joker:
hehe - Been thinkin' about this a bit huh? - I was pondering something much the same but using a custom file extension and file header check (both already exist). Then playable tone files could be created to play through the PC speaker.

The chances of this going (way) out of scope quickly are high ... But I'm thinking.


the new T-Clock version is really cool! :)

But i have two feature suggestions:

- I use the drop to recycle bin feature, and it works great! It would be great to have the option to see the size and number of files of the recycle bin in the Mouse-over Tooltip Text. (e.g. "10 Files, 135 MB").

- I would love to have the option to set the action in mouse-properties to "open files/folders (with command-line switches)". Just like you can do it in the "Menu Item Details". Then i could empty/open the recycle bin with just one click.

Little Bug report:
Middle Mouse Button Actions doesn´t work.

Thanx in advance!  :Thmbsup:


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