Software > T-Clock
T-Clock 2010 (download)
Thank you for this Windows7 compatible utility. :Thmbsup:
If I could ask for one feature: Week in "Date Options". Would be very useful. Thanks.-wr975 (March 20, 2010, 09:26 AM)
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Hm... Let me make sure I got this right; You're looking for the week # (1-52) of the year, yes? While I've not a clue what this is used for, it's got to be the (hands down) most requested feature in T-Clocks history (at least the part I've been involved in). So it's definitely on the To-Do list. I can't say when it will be added (i gota figure out how first) but it will be added at some point.
If I'm of base, feel free to clarify, and I might give that a shot too. ;) -Stoic Joker (March 20, 2010, 05:35 PM)
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True. Week 01-52 would be fine.
Why I need it? Well, I've to deal a lot with week numbers at my workplace, like ... "this reports is for week... ah, what's the current week number again?" Right now I'm using BetaClock, but this tool isn't working under Win7 and my workplace PC will get an update to Win7 soon.
If you have time for this feature and want to make it the best ever seen, offer "Simple week number" and "ISO 8601 week number" ( and do your own calculation. Do no rely on what Windows returns as week number, as it gives wrong results under Win7 (possible bug in the international settings. HKCU\Control Panel\International\iFirstWeekOfYear should be set to 1 for ISO 8601).
Stoic Joker:
Okay, dates are not one of my "Strong Points" ... So bear with me while I muddle through this.
As I understand in, we got 2 different Week-Of-Year (WOY going forward) standards, Simple (SWN) and ISO 8601. From what I gather reading the link you posted (thanks for that btw):
Simple = day one (e.g. Jan/1) week one. 7 days later is week 2, etc., etc..
ISO = week 1 of a given year is the one that includes the first Thursday of that year (and then it contradicts itself).
I'll clarify that last part (from the article).
In [ISO8601], the week number is defined by:
weeks start on a Monday
week 1 of a given year is the one that includes the first Thursday of that year. (or, equivalently, week 1 is the week that includes 4 January.)
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Now Monday = 1 tracks with Thursday = 4 just fine (i.e. 2007), but if week 1 needs a 4th to be week one, there is no guarantee that it will come with/as a Thursday. So which is it? First week with a 4th, or the first week with a Thursday?
2007 1st Thursday was the 4th (perfect!). - Windows called it week 1
2008 1st Thursday was the 3rd. - Windows called it week 0 (but next week (was week 1, and) had 1st Thusday...)
2009 1st Thursday was the 1st. - Windows called it week 0 (but next week (was week 1, and) had 1st Thusday...)
2010 1st Thursday was the 12/31 of 2009. - Windows called it week 0 (but next week (was week 1, and) had 1st Thusday...)
Note: Both Window XP & 7 give the same answers when I pull the WOY out of local time.
So the kicker is really 2008; its got a Thursday, and a 4th (but it's Friday), and Windows called it week 0 ... Now to your way of thinking is that correct, or no?
Now I can pull SWN (as an option 2) out of the same place by grabbing Day-of-Year and dividing it by 7 (simple enough). The question is, do you think (based on above assessment/ramblings) that Windows (by default) has the ISO WOY correct? Or is there something else I'm missing/misinterpreting
FWIW here are some info about week numbering
Latest build runs beautifully.
Stoic Joker:
Okay, so the farther I get into this the muddier the water gets. It seem that even within the "Standard" there are warring intellectual factions that maintain (rather philosophically) that the first (not week one yet...) part of the year is either end of week 53 - or week 0.
*Shrug* Best I can tell, I'm getting the correct answer for week 1 forward, so I'm gonna go with that unless anybody's got a (documented) better idea. :)
So as it stands now I'm working on 3 variants:
1. ~ISO week starting on Monday
2. ~ISO week starting on Sunday
3. SWN (Simple Week Number)
1 & 2 are already working on test machines, 3 (the "simple" one) is proving to be anything but. However, it will come along (in the next release) eventually - Just as soon as I can find the right sized hammer... ;)
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