Software > T-Clock
T-Clock 2010 (download)
Stoic Joker, since you're still around, could you edit in a link to the latest version in the first post? I almost missed it, and was going to report a bug that has now been fixed.
[...]-trlkly (June 03, 2014, 08:11 PM)
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it's not his fault actually :P He asked others for that already... including the "removal" of his name etc... I didn't do this as of now... my next release will fix that though, but hadn't a real reason to do anything yet :P No bug reports for example xD
But your requests should be doable :P
Will take a while though since I have to redo my Github repo... including, reverting it and using the "release" feature of Github... adding the binaries to the Git repo isn't good xD But didn't know any better back then...
Stoic Joker:
Download of White Tiger's build now added to first post.
there are actually 4 week "systems" build into T-Clock...
Ws : simple, week starts at Sunday
Wm : simple, week starts at Monday
Wi : complex, added by and uses ISO-8601 standard
Ww : simple but custom from Stoic Joker
All show 22 except for Wi which shows 23
-WhiteTigX (June 03, 2014, 04:41 PM)
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Thanks that did the trick, this wasn't in the manual Wi
well.. I'm planning on adding an extended editor for easier clock customization.. T-Clock is a nice piece of software, but for most people too hard to use. (a default configuration should also be added... so that is handles mouse clicks the same way as the default clock)
This extended editor includes live preview of what the modifier does (within the editor) but also a live preview on the tray clock itself... this especially helps with font settings, margins and that stuff.
But that's just what I want it to have.. I can't say how soon (if at all) I'm actually doing this :P It requires some rewrites and the dialog itself is a lot of work too^^
Well, since it's going to take a while, I guess I'll go ahead and report another bug, in case I forget. I don't use it, but the Custom Calendar option doesn't seem to open on Windows 7 64bit. I can open it manually by opening "XPCalender.exe," but it won't open from TClock.
Also, while I also already replied to WhiteTigx's message asking what the Set Time option does in XP, the message didn't show up in my outbox, so I'm posting here. As you guessed, it just opens the normal time set dialog, the same one opened by the right click menu item. Unfortunately UAC makes it still a bit different than in XP, but I don't think there's anything you can do about that.1
Ideally, what I would like is for every menu item to eventually2 be available in the Mouse tab. From a design standpoint, it just makes sense. The click options are quick shortcuts to the existing menu options.
1You're going to get some form of UAC prompt either way, since you must elevate to set the time. So you might as well stick with the way Windows handles it, where you only get the dialog if you try to change the time.
2As in, don't hold up a release for it! It's not that important.
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