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T-Clock 2010 (download)

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Stoic Joker:
Well, much as I hate to regard silence as acceptance ... I gotta go with it.

New build now available (on first post) Includes:
 1. All 3 of the afore mentioned Week-of-Year options listed above.
 2. Finally... a help file describing the currently available custom format options.
 3. Bugg fix for the Menu Dismissal Issue (it didn't always go away when told - It does now)
 4. Bugg fix for Stopwatch's Evil Psychotic Twin issue.
 5. Bugg fix for Child dialogs (Properties/Timers/Stopwatch)  failure to gain focus (pop-under) issue.
 6. Bugg fix for bashful tooltip issue.
Note: 5 & 6 were closely related to 3.
 7. Finally created help file that explains how to make it do what it does.

As Always, Feedback Greatly Appreciated.

Below is some feedback for: T-Clock 2010 (alpha -5- Release to DC).zip

1. All 3 of the afore mentioned Week-of-Year options listed above.
-Stoic Joker (March 23, 2010, 06:07 PM)
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I haven't tried to grok the week stuff, but FWIW, I put Wm Ws and Ww in a custom format under "Advanced Clock Configuration Options".  What I see currently is:

--- ---12 12 12

Perhaps that's working :)  Anyway, just some feedback on that functionality...

2. Finally... a help file describing the currently available custom format options.

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I see and have opened a file named T-Clock Help.rtf.  I see sections for Date, Time, and Other Options.

3. Bugg fix for the Menu Dismissal Issue (it didn't always go away when told - It does now)

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I'm not sure I experienced this one before and I don't think I see it now.

4. Bugg fix for Stopwatch's Evil Psychotic Twin issue.

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Twin seems long lost now ;)

5. Bugg fix for Child dialogs (Properties/Timers/Stopwatch)  failure to gain focus (pop-under) issue.
6. Bugg fix for bashful tooltip issue.

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See remark for 3.

7. Finally created help file that explains how to make it do what it does.

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Was this a reference to T-Clock Help.rtf?

Stoic Joker:
Below is some feedback for: T-Clock 2010 (alpha -5- Release to DC).zip

1. All 3 of the afore mentioned Week-of-Year options listed above.
-Stoic Joker (March 23, 2010, 06:07 PM)
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I haven't tried to grok the week stuff, but FWIW, I put Wm Ws and Ww in a custom format under "Advanced Clock Configuration Options".  What I see currently is:

--- ---12 12 12

Perhaps that's working :)  Anyway, just some feedback on that functionality...-ewemoa (March 23, 2010, 09:08 PM)
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Yes at this point they all line up, but Ww (SWN) will go to week 13 on Thursday, Ws will go to 13 on Sunday, and Wm will go to 13 on Monday. *Shrug* I guess on other years it will skew farther - Making for a more dramatic effect. All I know is a lot of people were after this option (showed up frequently in the 300+ Emails I have received), so I had to figure out how to include it...Even tho the "Standard" is confusing as hell.

2. Finally... a help file describing the currently available custom format options.

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I see and have opened a file named T-Clock Help.rtf.  I see sections for Date, Time, and Other Options
7. Finally created help file that explains how to make it do what it does.

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Was this a reference to T-Clock Help.rtf?
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Yes, Help file was the other most requested feature. While I was tracing through the output formatting code line by line to decide where & how best to include the week stuff, it occurred to my Hay why not take notes ... and those notes are now the help file (or at least a reasonably good start on one).

3. Bugg fix for the Menu Dismissal Issue (it didn't always go away when told - It does now)

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I'm not sure I experienced this one before and I don't think I see it now.

5. Bugg fix for Child dialogs (Properties/Timers/Stopwatch)  failure to gain focus (pop-under) issue.
6. Bugg fix for bashful tooltip issue.

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See remark for 3.
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These were rather subtle, but very annoying.

 Thank you.

Well, much as I hate to regard silence as acceptance ... I gotta go with it.
As Always, Feedback Greatly Appreciated.-Stoic Joker (March 23, 2010, 06:07 PM)
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Didn't you see me post above?...  ;) or was the link useless?

Stoic Joker:
Well, much as I hate to regard silence as acceptance ... I gotta go with it.
As Always, Feedback Greatly Appreciated.-Stoic Joker (March 23, 2010, 06:07 PM)
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Didn't you see me post above?...  ;) or was the link useless? (March 24, 2010, 06:32 AM)
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Yes, I spent a great deal of time studying both your link, and wr975's - therein lying the problem - The more I read it the more it started turning into a "If this week, ws next week, last week..." Bugs Bunny skit in my head.

I tried googling for a clearer (straight) answer but none could be found. I was looking for a simple (straight answer) chart of the week numbers going back a few years, that would give me the correct answers according to (Hoyle...) the ISO standard, so I could compare TC's output to it. What I found was warring Brain-Monkeys clashing (pontificating) over end of week 53 vs. week 0. ...At which point I gave up, and went with what I had.

So at this point it's up to you guys to tell me if it's "right", as the only one of the 3 that I can/could verify with any accuracy was the Ww SWN - Which I ended up writing myself because the Timex formula struck me as just way to convoluted a method of answering a simple question.

Week = floor(((DayOfYear) + 6) / 7);       // (Can't miss - End of Problem)

Thank you.


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