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Which Linux For Non-Techie Windows Users?

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I would never put linux on a non-techie machine. No matter how much linux has improved, you need to do some sysadmin... impossible for a non-techie on his own.
-urlwolf (March 10, 2010, 09:22 AM)
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I don't agree. Non-techies are not a homogeneous group. There are computer illiterates, who don't even know what is a browser, and who think the "e" is the symbol of internet. And there are those who know one thing or two about computers.

I think linux won't feel different after 5 minutes to the completely ignorant types, for instance those who hold the mouse in a weird fashion.

Those who are somewhat used to windows are a whole other story though. Putting linux boxes in front of them is never a good idea.

If you ask me, Kubuntu.

I think linux won't feel different after 5 minutes to the completely ignorant types, for instance those who hold the mouse in a weird fashion.
-eleman (March 10, 2010, 09:28 AM)
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You mean like Commander Scott pickin' the thing up and talkin' to it?

I would never put linux on a non-techie machine.... Flexibility makes it possible to break the system in creative ways. There are errors that would take hours of reading and days of troubleshooting to fix, even for an advanced user.-urlwolf (March 10, 2010, 09:22 AM)
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I also disagree. You can easily lock down any GUI elements you choose and hide all system folders. I don't expect a non-techie to be using powerful BASH commands or scripts. Same for the file managers. Software installation is automatic and impossible to screw up if your repository only includes the STABLE versions.

Buggy software. It's the norm. Not the exception. Add shared libraries, and the situation gets harder. Plus of course, even the more recent distros will have outdated software for fast-moving targets. Trying to have the latest version of everything (easy on win, as long as you like to click 'next') is extremely hard and dangerous.-urlwolf (March 10, 2010, 09:22 AM)
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Which buggy software? The apps within KDE 4.4 are a rock. I presume you mean apps used under Wine or Crossover Office? Or perhaps just some sloppy ports. For example, I consider Picasa a very sloppy port though many swear by it (I don't know why). I won't challenge your laptop statement since drivers are still not shared openly from the hardware companies.

Which buggy software? The apps within KDE 4.4 are a rock. I presume you mean apps used under Wine or Crossover Office? Or perhaps just some sloppy ports. For example, I consider Picasa a very sloppy port though many swear by it (I don't know why). I won't challenge your laptop statement since drivers are still not shared openly from the hardware companies.
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tbird 3
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