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People are really (really, really) stupid

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Most people don't care about computers or computing or learning about same. They want to play games, tweet, twitter, facebook, chat, date, check out a little porn, maybe pay a bill or two  -  that's why we have Windows7, now, isn't it? -  so they don't waste time learning what they don't need to know. 

I wouldn't go so far as to call them stupid, just disinterested, and very funny!

I wouldn't go so far as to call them stupid, just disinterested, and very funny!-sazzen (April 26, 2010, 04:58 PM)
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I would consider anyone not willing to learn to be stupid ;)

Stupid? Really stupid?


It's really more a matter of: "There's my way -- and the wrong way."

Isn't it?

Or, as Isaiah 55:8 puts it:  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways..."

Hey, we can't all be really right all of the time.  ;)  

Can we?

See, there's all these different realities 'out there'. Those realities intersect at various points. [If they didn't we'd never be able to communicate.]

So what is stupid in one person's reality is actually quite sensible in another's.

[And what witness A sees is never quite the same as witness B etc etc.]

All a matter of perception -- really!  :D

It's really more a matter of: "There's my way -- and the wrong way."
-esoito (April 26, 2010, 06:00 PM)
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I think you meant to post that in a discussion thread about Apple and Steve Jobs. :P :D

But seriously, how stupid do you need to be to walk into a 7-Eleven and complain because you can't find the women's clothing section? Or go to McDonalds and wonder why they don't have steak tartar on the menu?

Both sites are clearly labeled as to what they are at the top. You have to be blind not to see/read the big print.

Nah. Most Some people are just morons.

What have they done now. It's not simple enough for me to figure out.

Posted by: Benny Hough | February 10, 2010 10:46 AM
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Does any more need to be said?

Well, there are (at the moment) 49 pages of that kind of drivel with 415 posts. Here are 2 commentaries (posts 414 and 415):


Wow, i never realised there were so many retards around.
Is this what facebook brings to the net?

Posted by: Kit | April 26, 2010 12:35 PM


You are all fantastic people. Each and every one of you is a gorgeous, unique, mind-boggling contribution to the human race. I thank God that such people are alive.

Chet Martin Posted by: Chet Martin Author Profile Page | April 26, 2010 4:02 PM

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415 has a point there as that kind of stuff really is very entertaining to read, in a Jerry Springer kind of way.

If it really is just a matter of perception, then some people need to lay off the psychedelic hallucinogens. :P

And the beat goes on:
Some very interesting statistics in that Betanews article.

My conclusion? DonationCoder should be renamed to ;)

- Oshyan


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