Software > Find And Run Robot
Help. Can FARR get info, do something with it, then launch program?
When you first start to play with a powerful piece of software, you don't know what it can do, then you think it can do anything.
I can get FARR to take the info from the box and write it to an ini file with nircmd. But then can I have another program launched (an AHK script) that will use that ini file? I'm not seeing it right now. Is there a way to do this - to get FARR to do two things when I hit enter?
Is there a way to do this - to get FARR to do two things when I hit enter?
-ebennetthill (February 15, 2010, 03:08 PM)
--- End quote ---
Offcourse you can do that :)
You can do that with an alias similar to this one:
--- ---1000>>>>-> ;;; notepad.exe>+>^test$
You can specify multiple commands to execute by separating them with ;;;
Thank you. I have totally missed the three semi-colon trick. I'll be playing with it.
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