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The Blog of Michael Mindes: Ramblings of a Board Game Publisher
I have a real fascination with board game design (i remember distinctly visiting my father's university office as a little kid and seeing the board games his students had created as part of some project). In the last few years my interest has been rekindled a bit for a variety of reasons, including the effort of a close friend to have his game (Crumble) published.
So i keep my eye open for good resources about inventing and publishing games. Here's a nice blog with tons of nice commentary from an indie publisher.
It has been a little over a month since I have really gotten into using Google Reader. Since that time, I have shared a number of different posts that I have read that I felt were interesting, important, and/or funny. I thought I would like to share with you the various links and provide some commentary on each.
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he has a blog today discussing some of the financial calculations to starting a board game company:
And to counter-balance it, today an indie board game developer named Jackson Pope who tried to make a go of it has announced he's closing shop:
"...Is it really worth throwing another huge wad of cash at the company and hoping I do things better with my next game? I've decided: No, it's not..."
Another good indie board game designer's blog:
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