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DONE: Faster boots combining hibernate and restart (Boot Snooze)

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In support of my comment above, I do realise that that limitation will limit Boot Snooze's functionality for some. 

Any chance of adding command line support? I use a batch file at night to run a lot of utilities then shutdown. However if I could have it run Boot Snooze at the end instead automatically it would be a huge time saver.

Is Boot Snooze an AHK app? Will you be releasing the source script?

I am still keen to understand why my PC will not Hibernate / Standby when initiated by BS, but will if performed manually. It seems odd that no-one else seems to be having this issue!

Perhaps a look at the source might allow me to do some experimenting of my own?

Yes, it's an AHK application.  The main bit for the standby/hibernate is a simple one-liner:

--- Code: AutoIt ---; Suspend_Method of 0, Suspend; Suspend_Method of 1, HibernateDllCall( "PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", Suspend_Method, "int", 0, "int", 0 )
This DLL call is described in the AHK help file under the Shutdown command.  If you can figure out the issue on your system, I'll try to implement any fix you come up with.

Thanks for the info (and continued interest!)

The curious thing is that if I copy this command into an AHK script and run it, the system hibernates just fine! So I am now very confused as to what is going on!!

Could it be that the value of Suspend_Method is getting lost / being corrupted along the way?
Or that the command is not being executed for some reason, and that BS simply closes / crashes?

Not sure how to test these ideas... do you have any thoughts.?


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