Other Software > Developer's Corner
What's your *favorite* programming language and *why* ?
Interesting that there has been no mention of Delphi which I have been using since Version 1. These days it also comes with C++. It has always made VB look lost and does anything I have ever needed.
Delphi is good, and I loved it, but I've since had to move on. With all of the changes and instability in the companies behind it (the platform is rock solid- but the management... sigh), it became increasingly hard to get work using Delphi. I've moved on to C#, and as I've increased in competency, I've been able to do everything I did with Delphi, and more besides. And it has most of the advantages of Delphi, and enough extra that what is not there isn't missed. And the being able to work has definite advantages.
F# because it is a functional language, and it runs on Net (a lot of libraries available)
Now if .NET could be made portable...
I was browsing through book on F# just recently and was really impressed. Thinking of buying the book at very least, it seemed like as a language it was well worth a study.
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