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post-screenshot editor, torn edge in between, and highlight lines

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Hi guys, are there any free post-screenshot editor that can do this easily?  ;D

* Auto scroll screenshot, but capture the scrolling page as well as the window frame
* Torn edge effect in between to omit unnecessary content, but do not torn the scroll bar area
* dim all areas, highlight a non-rectangle area
The picture is a lousy example I made in photoshop, it took me 20 minutes, I am n00b in Photoshop, so I desperately need some one-click tool for post screenshot processing.

Well, at least my content wasn't deemed as unnecessary... :P

Hm, sophisticated screenshot taking and editing in one application? I actually doubt that.

Hm, sophisticated screenshot taking and editing in one application? I actually doubt that.
-Tuxman (January 26, 2010, 10:03 PM)
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 ;D Perhaps I was too demanding. Any toolkit can get this job done?

For screenshot taking I usually use ZScreen which can pass them to an image editor, but AFAICS it doesn't have auto-scrolling yet...  :(


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