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I hate Valentine's Day!
I lived in US (New England) for a year with an american family - on valentines day they made cards (no bought cards!) for parents & grandparents (& possibly for friends as well - it was years ago so no longer 100% sure) - I thought it was really nice & presumed it was typical for over there, but reading this thread that doesn't seem to be the case...
-tomos (January 24, 2010, 03:45 AM)
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Maybe not as typical as it used to be. But it's still like that for a lot of us. I still make my own Valentine's Day cards. I can't buy ones that say what mine do! <*wink*>.
ANY holiday, on either side of the border, is crass, commercial, devoid of its original context...
-Darwin (January 24, 2010, 08:44 AM)
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Only if you let it be that way. One good thing about being as inundated with adverts as we are in the US is that most of us are immune to it by now. It's more like hearing the sound of cicadas on a warm night rather than an ongoing annoyance for many of us.
Carol has outed me, so I'll come clean. I simply dislike all holidays. I don't even like Christmas!
-zridling (January 23, 2010, 08:51 AM)
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That's pretty scary! Should I give Cindy Loo Who your phone number so she can talk to you? ;D
Carol Haynes:
That's pretty scary! Should I give Cindy Loo Who your phone number so she can talk to you? ;D
-Gwen7 (January 27, 2010, 01:00 PM)
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Has she got a brother for me :-*
13th February = Normal Restaurant prices, - 14th Feb, bloody like me, go out 1 day before or 1 day after if your wife REALLY wants to, but dont leave the house on the 14th unless you have to work, and even then, avoid having to purchase anything other than a pack of smokes and a bottle of water lol
I don't mind the day much, the advertising and pushing of all the stuff is a bit annoying at times, but not too bad. For the guys that otherwise never do anything to show affection, IMO it is a good 'holiday', but a waste for the rest. What is annoying is when the Christmas ads come on before Halloween...
I guess I'm a lucky geek, met someone online (yes, an online, long-distance relationship... don't judge me :P) and it's working out great with the exception of gifts (our parents don't know). For my birthday he got me a copy of Lumines with the Advanced Pack, and a month later we spent all of Christmas Eve and the majority of Christmas together (via Skype), and now for his birthday (the 10th) and Valentines I bought him a barking Valentines 'Be Mine' stuffed doggie with a plush-sized bouquet of roses to go with it :)
It has its positive and negative aspects, but is still a good time to show the people who you care about, how much you do :-*
Love does not become better when it comes on TV, on the radio and all around teh interwebz. BUY FLOWERS! BUY MORE FLOWERS! MOOOORRRE!
I'm so happy that I'm single...
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