Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
FARR plugin: FarrWebMetaSearch 1.6.0
Requested New Functionality to WMS :)
* subSearch sorting: I've added a parameter to the subSearches though it can be named anything. OneLook suffers from not having the ability to sort the subSearches.
* subSearch hiding: Some of the subSearches in TimeAndDate should only be used from the context menu as typing the search criteria in doesn't make sense (and crashes FARR at the moment)
* Context Menu:
* I seem to have hit the limit with the context menu. Is that a WMS restriction or FARR?
* The context menus don't seem to be being cleared for each subSearch. You can see this in the OneLook search: the submenus for the default search are carried over to all of the subSearches. I think it would be preferable to start each subSearch fresh.
* Can we have subMenus? I'd like to put all the dictionary type searches into a subMenu (Art, Computer, etc)
* Two-stage RegEx: Those dictionary type searches could really do with a two-stage RegEx Match where the second RegEx operates on the result of the first. I also wondered if a RegEx Replace was possible (would help cleaning up some pages).
* Search Navigation: It would be helpful to have an ability to backwards and forwards in the search results. Sometimes you can not get back to where you came from with the search results, and a back button would be helpful. Something like this:
* wms timeanddate +w: cities displayed
* type "syd": filter to "Sydney"
* select forecast context menu: 14 day forecast displayed
* at this point I would like to go back one step to the cities filtered on "syd" to access the current conditions context menu.-Perry Mowbray (February 04, 2010, 08:10 AM)
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* subSearch sorting: done
* subSearch hiding: done
* context menu item count limitation: fixed
* context menu items not cleared for subsearches: fixed (but see below)
* context sub menus: done
Multi-stage regex and history will have to wait a bit longer I'm afraid :(. Concerning multi-stage regex: how should we specify input/output from one stage to the next?
Until now, subsearches would inherit any parameters from the main search if they were not specified. This leads to the problem you describe. I've thought about a way to keep this behaviour but get rid of the problem, but did not find anything that pleased me. I saw that you were not using that 'feature' anyway (except maybe for the isFeed parameter) so I just got rid of it thus solving that problem.[/list]
Perry Mowbray:
That's way cool :Thmbsup:
If you do something like the following (that is adding author to the caption) you can also search by author :)
You can also add simple html to the output if you like, and add context menus...
--- Code: Javascript ---description=AutoHotkey Script ListingsearchUrl=<p><a href="([^"]+)" class="external text" title="[^"]+" rel="nofollow">([^>]+)</a> by <a href="([^"]+)" class="external text" title="[^"]+" rel="nofollow">([^>]+)</a>farrCaption=$2 :: $4farrGroup=<i>Written by $4</i>farrPath=$1isFeed=truecontextCaption1=Open $4's ProfilecontextIcon1=autohotkeyscripts.icocontextHint1=Open $4's ProfilecontextPath1=$3
I've just done a very quick search config for DevCheatSheets is on this thread.
-Perry Mowbray (February 05, 2010, 07:12 AM)
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Cheers! And I have done one that uses the site's search engine:
--- Code: Javascript ---description=Cheat sheets for developerssearchUrl=<h2><a href="([^"]*)" title="[^"]*">(.*)</h2>\s*Source: <a href="([^"]*)" title="[^"]*">(.*)</a><br>\s*(.*)<br>\s*Tag(?:s)?: <a href="([^"]*)" title="[^"]*">(.*)</a><br>farrCaption=$2farrGroup=Source: $4, $5farrPath=$1
I'll merge this as a subsearch into yours if you don't mind.
Perry Mowbray:
I'll merge this as a subsearch into yours if you don't mind.
-phitsc (February 05, 2010, 07:49 AM)
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I actually had the same thought about yours ;) I was going to say why don't you add mine as a subSearch on yours: +tag, +tag2, +tag3, etc
...that way when you type cheatsheets and it'll wait for your input and then you can +tag to get the tag list??
If you do something like the following (that is adding author to the caption) you can also search by author :)
-Perry Mowbray (February 05, 2010, 07:40 AM)
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You can also add simple html to the output if you like, and add context menus...
-Perry Mowbray
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Thank you for your generous teachings, master ;D
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