Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
FARR plugin: FarrWebMetaSearch 1.6.0
I'd like to be able to specify local files for searchUrl (e.g. for a local copy of the autohotkey script listing page).
Is it possible to do this already and if so, is there a way to do it without specifying absolute paths?
-ewemoa (February 09, 2010, 05:29 AM)
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You mean instead of searching in a file downloaded from the web, you want to search in a local file?
-phitsc (February 09, 2010, 05:37 AM)
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Any chance you might be motivated to work on this?
I'd like to use it for things like:
-ewemoa (June 23, 2010, 03:48 PM)
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This alone shouldn't be to hard to add to the current version. I'll check it out.
Thanks for your consideration -- looking forward to good news :Thmbsup:
I'd like to be able to specify local files for searchUrl (e.g. for a local copy of the autohotkey script listing page).
Is it possible to do this already and if so, is there a way to do it without specifying absolute paths?
-ewemoa (February 09, 2010, 05:29 AM)
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You mean instead of searching in a file downloaded from the web, you want to search in a local file?
-phitsc (February 09, 2010, 05:37 AM)
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Any chance you might be motivated to work on this?
I'd like to use it for things like:
-ewemoa (June 23, 2010, 03:48 PM)
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Turns out this is already possible with the current version. I did the following:
* Open the above mentioned URL in my Web Browser
* View page source and copy it into an .html file (Save Page As... made some nasty line breaks into the file which would have made the regexing a bit difficult)
* Created a new FarrWMS .conf file that looks like this:
--- ---description=Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts
searchUrl=C:\Temp\Xp Keyboard Shortcuts.htm
resultPattern=<tr>\s*<td [^>]*>([^<]*)</td>\s*<td [^>^]*>([^<]*)</td>
and it works!
Now the question is: does this already solve your problem, or did you have something else / more in mind?
Thanks for looking into this :)
I tried to follow the steps you outlined, but for whatever reason (perhaps not being able to follow the "made some nasty line breaks" one appropriately?) didn't succeed.
I did have luck with the following .conf file for accessing the content over the network. Strangely, after I save it locally and modify the conf file to point to it, it doesn't seem to work here (no results appear):
--- ---description=Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts
resultPattern=<tr>[^<]*<td class='black10b' bgcolor='#ededed' align='center' width='150'>([^<]*)</td>[^<]*<td class='black10' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'> ([^<]*)</td>[^<]*</tr>
Now the question is: does this already solve your problem, or did you have something else / more in mind?
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I didn't succeed in carrying the procedure out for local access so I didn't test whether this procedure would work when specifying a searchUrl which is a non-absolute file path. Does that work?
I much prefer not to place absolute file paths into my configuration files -- so for example, if I change the location of my FARR installation I wouldn't have to modify my configuration files to change file path information recorded within.
I much prefer not to place absolute file paths into my configuration files -- so for example, if I change the location of my FARR installation I wouldn't have to modify my configuration files to change file path information recorded within.
-ewemoa (July 05, 2010, 04:27 PM)
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Ah yes, you mentioned that but I forgot. I think you said using FARR user variables would be ok?
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