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Ten Words You Need to Stop Misspelling

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This is really helpful. Well, the violent language makes it a little less ernst. I think a good many people could actually profit from reading this, if only they read it.

However, I have one question regarding loose/lose: how do you spell the opposite of "find"?

However, I have one question regarding loose/lose: how do you spell the opposite of "find"?-housetier (January 01, 2010, 11:50 AM)
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since 'find' is a verb, then it's opposite would be 'lose'.

You can rarely find people who can actually speak proper English anymore so what makes you think these people will actually take the time to spell correctly?

The opposite of find is lose.
The opposite of tight is loose.

Being an English-speaking person I often wonder if such blatant and horrid spelling & grammatical errors are being made in other languages in other countries.

I often wonder if such blatant and horrid spelling & grammatical errors are being made in other languages in other countries
-Innuendo (January 01, 2010, 12:41 PM)
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Mai none!

Being an English-speaking person I often wonder if such blatant and horrid spelling & grammatical errors are being made in other languages in other countries.
-Innuendo (January 01, 2010, 12:41 PM)
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I doubt it. I imagine a lot of other languages have more consistent rule sets that prevent it, since they are generally not globbed together from multiple languages the way English is.

I think I remember seeing a post somewhere to the effect that Finnish people don't have spelling bees, for instance; the whole concept would apparently be absurd to them because the sound matches the spelling, every time. I don't know squat about Finland or the language; I'm assuming the poster I remember knew what they were talking about.


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