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NANY 2010 Release: Bestimate

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Can I have a separate Bestimate file for each of many projects?
If projects are sequential there's no problem, I can simply delete unwanted items and start again. However, if projects run in parallel and each has many steps...-cranioscopical (February 04, 2010, 10:25 PM)
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Funny you should ask since I've already started work on that based on what you said a few posts ago.  =]


Funny you should ask since I've already started work on that based on what you said a few posts ago.  =]
-skwire (February 04, 2010, 10:29 PM)
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Good heavens, prescience now!

Well, you had mentioned tracking multiple projects so it seemed a pretty logical jump to being able to save/load separate files per project.  It's not hard to implement...I'll finish it up tomorrow.

Website | Download
v1.0.5 - 2010-02-27
    + Added per-file saving/loading.  (Thanks, cranioscopical)
    + Added up/down toolbar buttons to move a selection in the listview.
    + Added a "Recent files" menu to the main File menu.
    * Changed the icon look from the Silk set to the Fugue set found at

New look:

NANY 2010 Release: Bestimate

v1.0.5 - 2010-02-27
-skwire (February 27, 2010, 07:45 AM)
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Very nice!
I use this now for tracking the accuracy of my time estimates for each step of complex projects with rigid deadlines.


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