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How can we *share* better in 2010?
Let's help the DC community out in 2010 by expanding our reach. There are lots of assets, but they start with developers and members. Among the software offered, the contests, the free-wheeling discussions, the software discounts, more people should know and benefit from DC. So I'm asking for your suggestions:
How can we market promote and share better in 2010?
I appreciate the sentiment but I hate the idea of "marketing" anything.. I'd really rather not think of things in that way.
Nothing wrong with asking how the site can do a better job of being useful to existing and new members and i'm always happy to talk about that -- and maybe even how we could do a better job of explaining what we do and reaching people who don't know about us.
I just think our focus should be on doing good stuff -- let the big sites with public relations people worry about "marketing".
Yes, the "marketing" really puts up a barrier for us young people.
I appreciate the sentiment but I hate the idea of "marketing" anything..
-mouser (December 31, 2009, 04:31 PM)
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I have to agree. Without wanting to be offensive, the original post had me backpedalling a little.
I'm all for marketing in the right place (I make my living at it) but the term seems out of step with DC.
That sounds like nit-picky semantics, and I greatly admire zridling's contributions here, but it can be hard to expunge an impression.
Agree with previous posters, but my idea of promoting the great DC community, basically involves posting about it in various forums and on Facebook :-[
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