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How to run a script after every win-unlock ???
any idea ?
Thanks and mary xmas
Do you mean session unlocks, as in fast user switching (winkey+L) out, then logging back in?
If so, your script's caller needs to do some request notifications of session state changes and process them.
The only way I know to do that is win api coding:
1) call WTSRegisterSessionNotification()
2) catch #WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE message and check for #WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK flag
* if WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK flag is detected, the script should be called
3) call WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification() before it exits
You can do it in AutoHotkey.
Read this thread from the autohotkey forum. It tells you how and provides a helpful library.
I know this works because I used it recently in a project at work.
hhbuesch, this gave me an idea I started coding, not script specific, just:
run_on_unlock.exe <whatever command line you want here>
and then whenever the user comes back in from a session lock, the system will run <whatever command line you want here> verbatim, as if you'd typed it in a console session.
I don't want to step on the toes of whatever project prompted your question. Do you mind if I post a program like that elsewhere on the board?
For those who are interested, I went ahead with this, over here.
The source is included in the archive.
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