Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: LittleRunner
I've now added some new screenshots of the application.
It has all of the basic functionality required for an initial release and just needs some bug fixing and some better validation of inputs before being ready. Depending on how long that takes and how difficult sorting happens to be, I'll look at a pre-release in the next week. If sorting proves a nightmare, this is the one function that will be dropped.
Any functionality suggestions are welcomed, whether for the 1st January version or for a future version.
Perry Mowbray:
:Thmbsup: Looking great!
The other thing I wondered about before was other statistical calculations :-\
:Thmbsup: Looking great!
The other thing I wondered about before was other statistical calculations :-\
-Perry Mowbray (December 22, 2009, 06:15 AM)
--- End quote ---
Thanks Perry :Thmbsup:
Do you mean things like miles / minute etc? Or plotting the information graphically (e.g. graphing speeds and distances, average distances per week etc.)? Both of these sound like good functions to have. I just need to work out how to implement these and still keep it as LittleRunner :D
Perry Mowbray:
One that immediately comes to mind is something like TrimMean where the extreme high and low values are not averaged.
Averages per something is also good.
Concerning graphing: could you opt for csv export that can be imported into a spreadsheet and then graphed. In fact, csv export would satisfy stats fiends like me as well as it'd be hard to beat the statistics abilities of spreadsheets.
I'm all for little: so maybe export is the way to go?
CSV export should be easy enough for 1st January. I'll add it to the planned features.
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