Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Withdrawn: Countdown
NANY 2010 Entry Information
Application Name Countdown Version 0.0.25 Short Description Simple, unobtrusive, movable, resizable countdown clock. Supported OSes Anything with .NET (Not yet tested with Mono) Web Page Not yet... Download Link Eventually... System Requirements
* .NETVersion History
* 0.0.1 - Started
* 0.0.10 - Basic graphics + countdown created, movability & resizability added. Added teaser.
* 0.0.25 - Menu added, basic commands created. Fixed colon bug. Added screenshot.Author NinJA999
Simple, unobtrusive countdown app which counts down to a user-selectable date. Resizable and movable, so it can sit anywhere on your desktop. Countdown options range from DD:HH:MM:SS to just DD, and everything in-between.
Created because I love counting down to dates and times, and I'd like to have a small app sitting on my desktop doing exactly that.
Plus, it has cool red led graphics!
* Counts down to a date, is resizable and movable.
Planned Features
* Add user menu: date switching, always on top, countdown format, etc.
* Save date
* Do something after countdown switches
(Ugh, that border looks terrible. The screenshot removed the pretty aero, I guess. It doesn't look that bad on Vista, 7, or XP, I swear!)
Run the exe!
Using the Application
Application starts by default with a countdown to 5 days in the future. Change all settings by right clicking. Left click to drag.
Delete the exe! (But why would you ever want to? =P)
Known Issues
See planned features :D
This is hopefully the first of at least two NANY apps - stay tuned!
NOTE I'm looking around the web for a cool, shiny, free clock icon. Any links? Or anyone want to make one? That would be pretty cool!
I have withdrawn this application -- there was not enough time for me to complete it to an acceptable standard. My other application, Reimbursement Tracker, is being released.
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