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NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap

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As of right now ClipTrap overwrites an existing file without any notice.  Poof.  All the previous clippings saved vanish and are substituted with a new set.  User ought to at least get a warning.-nkormanik (October 25, 2012, 12:38 AM)
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I'm not sure what you're getting at.  If you try to save using a filename that already exists, you will get the standard "blah blah already exists.  Do you want to replace it?"  Is that not notice enough?

Very strange you get a warning.  I tried twice and didn't get one.

As said, ClipTrap simply silently overwrote the original, and replaced.  Poof.

How about the "Append to file" possibility?

Same result on a different computer.  No warning at all.  Simply overwrote.

Very strange you get a warning.  I tried twice and didn't get one.
As said, ClipTrap simply silently overwrote the original, and replaced.  Poof.-nkormanik (October 25, 2012, 03:19 PM)
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I tested on both XP and W7 and it works for me.  Here's a quick screencast I made:

How about the "Append to file" possibility?-nkormanik (October 25, 2012, 03:19 PM)
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Website | Download
v1.1.5 - 2012-10-26
    + Added "Append text to..." functionality via the toolbar, File menu,
      or Ctrl+D hotkey.  (Thanks, nkormanik)


Append works great, Skwire.  Huge and really useful addition to your Cliptrap program.  Thanks very much!

I realized the problem with overwrite....  Must include the extension with the name of the file.  Sometimes (not sure exactly when or why) all that's necessary to save a file is just the filename, and, say, .txt, is automatically added.  Well, if only filename is given, Cliptrap will overwrite the saved file that includes the extension.

So, when saving a file from Cliptrap, very important to type in the filename + the extension.  Then if such file already exists, Cliptrap will give a warning about overwriting.


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