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NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap

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In addition to the previous suggestion, here's another:

To the right of the nice large "Save text" button..., add "Append text"

When user clicks on "Append text" button, a little window comes up remembering last saved location AND the last used file name.  Last used File name is populating the proper space where file name usually goes.

Click okay, and presto, window contents are appended to that file.

Clear the ClipTrap window, exit, all done.


At the very least, have ClipTrap remember the previously used file name.


By the way, I've noticed that when ClipTrap saves text to a file..., there is some added semi-invisible code at the very beginning of the created file.  Said code prevents a regular text editor from editing the text file.

In a more powerful text editor this is how the code appears:

Somehow it would be best to prevent that code from making it into the newly created text file.


In a more powerful text editor this is how the code appears:

Somehow it would be best to prevent that code from making it into the newly created text file.
-nkormanik (August 23, 2012, 04:05 PM)
--- End quote ---

That is the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark.  ClipTrap supports Unicode and writes to UTF-8 format.  Lesser editors that do not support UTF-8 may have trouble with opening these files (as you have seen).  I don't believe I can change this behaviour in AHK but I'll check.  If Unicode support is not important to you, use the ANSI version of ClipTrap (ClipTrap_ANSI.exe) instead.  It does not write in UTF-8 format (and doesn't support Unicode).

Can you share me the software source code, many thanks! :)


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