Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
Skwire, I have an idea for ClipTrap.
Since ClipTrap makes archives of the last X number of text files, what if there was an option or command to open that folder in Explorer?
It would be easy to implement.
Oh, and I have another idea.
At the bottom of the Clips Tab, there is Copy Window Text, but who really ever wants to copy *everything* like that?
What if there was a button for "Copy Entry" or "Copy Line"?
Then you could put the cursor on the line you wanted and copy everything between delimiters with one button without having to select the text.
I was using ClipX for the longest time, but then something happened - I don't know what - and it was breaking my ctrl+C key and I couldn't copy anything anymore unless I closed it. Strange. But if there was "Copy Line" in ClipTrap, I wouldn't need another clipboard program.
Skwire, I have an idea for ClipTrap.
Since ClipTrap makes archives of the last X number of text files, what if there was an option or command to open that folder in Explorer?
It would be easy to implement.-BGM (March 03, 2018, 07:30 PM)
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Yep, easily doable as a menu item. I will add this.
At the bottom of the Clips Tab, there is Copy Window Text, but who really ever wants to copy *everything* like that?-BGM (March 03, 2018, 07:33 PM)
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Well, that's how ClipTrap came about. I initially wrote it for a previous workplace where we used terminal emulators (SecureCRT, PuTTY, etc.) constantly and routinely had need to capture several successive bits of output from various routers, switches, and other devices on the network. Then we would copy all that aggregated input and dump it into a log, or a trouble ticket, etc.
What if there was a button for "Copy Entry" or "Copy Line"?
Then you could put the cursor on the line you wanted and copy everything between delimiters with one button without having to select the text.-BGM (March 03, 2018, 07:33 PM)
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Even though you can specify a delimiter, ClipTrap has no concept of entries. Yes, I could probably figure out the text between two delimiters but that could get messy. What if the chosen delimiter was part of the text of a clip, etc.? Copying the line the caret happens to be on would be as good as it gets.
Two "enhancement" requests:
1. Allow the window to go a little narrower than presently allowed.
2. Allow user to select colors of font and background.
Thanks, Skwire!
Nicholas Kormanik
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