Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: Anuran
Thanks, froggy, and thanks to everybody for shaping Anuran into what it is today. =]
More on converting to Excel Timestamp.
I found, somewhat to my embarrassment, that AM/PM and the fact that noon is labeled as 12:00PM not 00:00 PM exported info fouled up my prior Excel timestamp. The following does work (I know it's ugly, but it's necessary), assuming that the exported timestamp is in A4.
=DATE(LEFT(A4,4),MID(A4,6,2),MID(A4,9,2))+ TIME( IF( AND(RIGHT(A4,2)="PM",VALUE(MID(A4,14,2))<12),MID(A4,14,2)+12,MID(A4,14,2) ), MID(A4,17,2),MID(A4,20,2))
It would be MUCH cleaner to export the time in military (24 hour) units.
It would be MUCH cleaner to export the time in military (24 hour) units.-AEngineer (February 06, 2010, 01:00 PM)
--- End quote ---
You know that you can use a military timestamp in your log entries, right? Simply use "HH" instead of "hh" in your timestamp format. Click the "i" information buttons for all the tokens you can use within your timestamp. Apologies if you were already aware of all this. =]
Ummm. I guess I saw it and didn't register. Thanks for informing me! ;)
Website | Download
v1.0.29 - 2010-02-06
* AnuVu v1.0.13
+ Added toolbar button for CSV export format option.
+ Added option to play sound on archival. Options, Archive tab. (Thanks, doctorfrog).
* Changed the icon look from the Silk set to the Fugue set found at This affects both Anuran's options and AnuVu's toolbar and configuration dialog.
New look:
NANY 2010 Release: Anuran NANY 2010 Release: Anuran
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