Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: Anuran
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v1.0.28 - 2010-01-30
* AnuVu v1.0.12
+ Added capability to export current view as CSV format. Choose "File, Export current view to CSV format" from the menu. (Thanks, AEngineer)
Jim, see if this is what you were after. Double-quotes and commas within a note should be handled properly. If you want a header line, it's no trouble to add. Thanks.
Glad to see CSV export is going to work out. I can see how this will add significant value to the app for some people.
Glad to see CSV export is going to work out. I can see how this will add significant value to the app for some people.-doctorfrog (January 30, 2010, 09:54 PM)
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Were you able to test it out and see if it exported properly?
What a great use of a Saturday night (for me)!
Yes, it works splendidly.
For documentation purposes here's the formula that produces a timestamp, assuming that the date output field is in A1
=DATE(LEFT(A1,4),MID(A1,6,2),MID(A1,9,2))+ TIME(MID(A1,14,2),MID(A1,17,2),MID(A1,20,2))
Many thanks indeed.
Works on my end as well. Nice addition.
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