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NANY 2010 Release: Anuran

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here's a minor problem with the viewer

I right click an archived log. Context menu shows.
I then right-click any other log.
The app uses 100% cpu (well, one full core) for a few seconds, and only then shows the context menu for that item

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v1.0.24 - 2010-01-21
    * AnuVu v1.0.8
        ! Successive right-clicking the listview sometimes resulted in a 100% CPU race condition.  (Thanks, tomos)

Bug: several times a day, Anuran popup text field is blank upon popup even though previous entry was not blank.

Is this new with the latest version or has this been an ongoing thing?

Is this new with the latest version or has this been an ongoing thing?
-skwire (January 21, 2010, 07:58 AM)
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Certainly with last night's version (..23). Not sure how much earlier because I have been assuming user error and not paying much attention (sorry), but if I had to guess I would say maybe a few versions earlier?


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