Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: Anuran
I was expecting this to become an option, not be eliminated altogether!-jdmarch (January 08, 2010, 09:11 AM)
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I'll be making the statusbar an option; I just didn't have time to test it as such before the last version. We had to do emergency upgrades at work this weekend so I've not been able to do any coding. I should have some spare time today/tonight to get that in as well as your archive time request.
it wouldn't surprise or dismay me if it turned into more of a taskmaster app.-doctorfrog (January 09, 2010, 06:04 PM)
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Hehehe...not from me, it won't. :P :P I really have no desire to make it into something like that since there are so many more capable and complete applications out that do exactly this. Right now, it's unique...and I like unique.
Would be great if you can build a feature where you can assign hotkeys for different "tags" - when the popup opens - more like the tags feature on google picassa. Is this possible ?-ceebu (January 10, 2010, 07:10 AM)
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I've had the tags idea in the back of my mind ever since I wrote in the search field portion of AnuVu. I think it's a natural extension of something like that and it's been on my ToDo for a while now. What I need to do is just sit down and think of an elegant way to implement it that keeps within the spirit of this app. Thanks for the feedback.
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v1.0.18 - 2010-01-11
+ Added popup statusbar back as an option.
+ Added a second archive method. You can now set a specific time each day for archiving. (Thanks, jdmarch)
With the addition of the new archiving method, I hope I didn't break anything with the old one though I'm sure you all will let me know if I did. :P
Thank you, skwire!
Website | Download
v1.0.18 - 2010-01-11
+ Added popup statusbar back as an option.
+ Added a second archive method. You can now set a specific time each day for archiving. (Thanks, jdmarch)
With the addition of the new archiving method, I hope I didn't break anything with the old one though I'm sure you all will let me know if I did. :P
-skwire (January 11, 2010, 08:09 AM)
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I like the new archiving addition. :) :up:
Suggestion for tagging (which I won't be using, myself. I like this as a freeform mental catchall app.):
Feature requirement: Keep the popup exactly the same if possible, with no new widgets. This keeps things simple for folks that won't be using tags, and (I believe) keeps the popup streamlined for those who will be using tags by keeping all user input in a single box. Dropdowns are speedbumps!
Feature requirement: Retain the dead simple, human-readable format for the logfiles.
With the above in mind: Use a text syntax for tags. Example possibility:
Surround tags in single or double colons, with no spaces (underscores ok). Separate multiple tags with a single colon. Colons are on the home row and easily tappable, which aids quick input.
User input looks like this:
::work:: working on code sample for mr. hapablap
::fun:: played some WoW
Multiple tag example, where work and fun are both applicable tags:
::work:fun:: designed a new title page
The double quotes and lack of spacing should screen out normal human colon usage, if I'm not too much mistaken. Anuran should regard anything string that includes a space as normal user input.
Suggestion for tagging (which I won't be using, myself. I like this as a freeform mental catchall app.):
Feature requirement: Keep the popup exactly the same if possible, with no new widgets. This keeps things simple for folks that won't be using tags, and (I believe) keeps the popup streamlined for those who will be using tags by keeping all user input in a single box. Dropdowns are speedbumps!
Feature requirement: Retain the dead simple, human-readable format for the logfiles.
With the above in mind: Use a text syntax for tags. Example possibility:
Surround tags in single or double colons, with no spaces (underscores ok). Separate multiple tags with a single colon. Colons are on the home row and easily tappable, which aids quick input.-doctorfrog (January 11, 2010, 07:57 PM)
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Any tagging I implement will be a very simple free-form type of tagging so the user can come up with the types of tags that fit for their workflow. Some people like @tags, others like ::tags, etc. The tags themselves will simply be part of the note. Basically, all it's going to do is save some typing when entering a note. Does that make sense? Again, I'm trying to keep it simple for myself and the user. If somebody wants a note-taker that deals heavily with tags, I urge them to check out the fantastic CintaNotes. I doubt I'd ever implement tagging in Anuran to the level that CintaNotes has.
Feature requirement: Retain the dead simple, human-readable format for the logfiles.-doctorfrog (January 11, 2010, 07:57 PM)
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I've no desire to change up the current .anu file format.
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