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NANY 2010 Final Release: FARR Plugin ProcessInfo

<< < (2/5) > >>

very nice, will complement another Farr plugin - Pkill. :up:

you might consider trying to show and filter results live.. that is, always return to farr the complete list of processes running and let FARR filter them to match what user types.
i'm just impressed that you are grabbing this info using javascript!  that's pretty damn cool.
-mouser (December 11, 2009, 09:16 PM)
--- End quote ---
:D Thanks.  I'm using WMI to retrieve it (using the SWbemServices interface, which plays well with anything that works with COM; I could've written this plugin using python, too :)).
And I already do filter results live, following a previous suggestion from you.  Taking out the alias makes sense, though.  For the detail display, though, I need the memo mode to display everything coherently.

Updated to pre-release status!  :Thmbsup:

Released!  8) :up:

Very nice piece of work!


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