Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: Page Countster
Works like a charm!
I can see the use from a sys-admin's point of view, but for me it is just plain fun.
Nice little app!!
Stoic Joker:
Glad you're enjoying it - and once again Thank You for letting me know the site had gone poof!
I love this tool but for most of my machines it does not get the Color Page Count? any ideas?
Anyone using an alternate tool if this one is not supported?
Stoic Joker:
I love this tool but for most of my machines it does not get the Color Page Count? any ideas?-asjones987 (November 27, 2013, 09:22 AM)
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Not all manufacturers strictly adhere to the protocol standards that the program assumes.
What make/model printers do you have, and which ones are not reporting a color page count?
Not at work now but noticed that i recognizes Total pages properly but not Color on our Toshiba and Sharp MFPs for sure. We have 2 models of Sharp's and 1 series of Toshiba. All are only 2-4 years old.
I would have to check on the exact model. Not at the office at the moment.
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