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NANY 2010 Release: Page Countster

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Stoic Joker:
So SJ, have you decided on a different name yet?  or are you just going to keep us in suspense?
-techidave (December 11, 2009, 09:26 PM)
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Well so far I liked Printer NANY best, however the boss did not. *Shrug* I suspect that it sounds good to us folks here as we understand the context ... Which based on the bosses expression did not transcend well. Hence it's still up-in-the-air at this point.

Speaking of points... :) ...The point (as I understand) is to get the software vetted & approved by ones peers, so I'm trying to concentrate on getting a few minor buggs ironed out. This project actually got back burner-ed a while back in favor of some other more pressing issues (stuff...). But I've been using it in the field quite a bit, and have noticed a few things that needed touching-up.

Actually your inquiry about toner levels got me going, I added it last night (build 122), and played with it at the office today to see how much error checking I'd missed... Which is why I've just uploaded build 135 to the server (Toner levels now reliably work). I also added (to the Edit Results Menu) the option to add & scan a single new Target (by IP or HostName) on the odd chance that someone needs to get info about a single device quickly...Which I needed to do today, which is what reminded me that I should have done that a long time ago.

AnyHow...Give it a shot & let me know what you think.

I just downloaded what I thought was version 122 but it says its 115.  It doesn't have the extra 4 or so columns either.

Stoic Joker:
I just downloaded what I thought was version 122 but it says its 115.  It doesn't have the extra 4 or so columns either.-techidave (December 11, 2009, 11:59 PM)
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Now that's bizzar...however there are multiple sites hosted on that server, two of which have that file, one of which is if it hiccuped. I updated the 2nd location also, so regardless of how the server answers it should be build 135 (i hope).

InfoPrinter? ;D-techidave (December 08, 2009, 08:15 PM)
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Ya know...I was thinking if we flipped that around we'd get Prinfo ... or even Prinfo Scan? Hm...

actually I downloaded it using the link in your first post here on dc. 


Ya know...I was thinking if we flipped that around we'd get Prinfo ... or even Prinfo Scan? Hm...
-Stoic Joker (December 12, 2009, 12:16 AM)
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Google turns up too many results for Prinfo and Prinfo Scan but no results for PrinfoScan, meaning PrinfoScan is a better choice.


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