Software > N.A.N.Y. 2010
NANY 2010 Release: Page Countster
What model printers are you using?
Mostly HP 4000 series. HP 4000, 4050, and 4100. then a Konica Minolta color copier, which we do have setup for notifications. :)
are the HP's networkable with a nic in them? I believe our 4100 has some settings but I don't log into it very often.
I just logged into our 4100 and it must be too old for those notifications. I didn't see anywhere to set it up at. but while logged in to it, I did notice a "low toner" alert.
The 4000 would be the same but I don't know about the 4050 but would presume its too old also. :)
I haven't tried a firmware update to the print server to see if that would fix it or not. Perhaps someone else will know.
Stoic Joker:
The 4100 was the first model to have a toner level gauge ... and it's a bit flakey. If the printer doesn't like the cartridge's embeded chip, it will ignore it, and continue what ever it last calculated from the last chip it liked.
As far as the Email events go they're all (4000/4050/4100) to old for that.
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