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Apple acquires music service Lala

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You are going to receive a refund for the stuff you paid for, in the form of an iTunes gift certificate.-app103 (May 01, 2010, 09:42 PM)
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Sounds roughly equivalent to someone taking my new PC away & refunding my money in the form of a gift certificate good for purchasing cow manure.

So, what's a good replacement?
iLike? Rhapsody? Pandora?

Since I'm running Xubuntu, I'll most likely be checking out the new Ubuntu One Music store.
I just wish they had support for VLC...

What the heck? I had like 50 song credits on my account and now they're gone!
-Deozaan (May 01, 2010, 02:31 PM)
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GRRRRR... Figures. Apple is a...

FAIR WARNING: OBSCENITY LADEN AND OFFENSIVEratfuck dirty bunch of lying, cheating, thieving diseased cunts. Apple would rape its sister to spite its mother.

But to be honest, I'm not really all that surprised. Apple's policies in the iTunes store are outright evil and show nothing but contempt for their customers. They're the worst possible terms you could come up with short of...

MORE FAIR WARNING: OBSCENITY LADEN AND OFFENSIVEsimply pulling the consumer's pants down and ass-raping them with a barbed-wire baseball bat in order to get the blood to write the agreement in.

It amazes me that nobody ever comments on just how sinister the TOS and agreements are.

I suppose "taking iTunes to the next level" means a lower level.  >:(  :down:

Stoic Joker:
What the heck? I had like 50 song credits on my account and now they're gone!
-Deozaan (May 01, 2010, 02:31 PM)
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I suppose "taking iTunes to the next level" means a lower level.  >:(  :down:
-Renegade (May 19, 2010, 06:38 AM)
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Well, it does seem such a shame for Dante's Rings (of hell) system to go to waste...

Well, it does seem such a shame for Dante's Rings (of hell) system to go to waste...
-Stoic Joker (May 19, 2010, 07:04 AM)
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I can just hear the Devil complaining, "There goes the neighborhood..." :P :)


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