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A Chance to Brag/Explain - What is DonationCoder and What Are You Doing Here?

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What matters most for me is the friendliness here. AFAIK is the only tech-inclined online community that hasn't deteriorated into a troll cave after three years and I-don't-know-how-many members.

It just is pleasant to write posts.

Maybe another thing that makes DC special is that while there are plenty of places to find really good software, plenty of places to find really good coders, and plenty of places to find very knowledgeable techies, maybe there aren't so many places where non-experts are welcomed so enthusiastically into the discussions and projects?

I want to mention an aspect of DC that often goes unnoticed, and is a great nod to what mouser has done here behind the scenes:

This forum is so easy to use and the experience is very pleasant.  The organization of the forum is clear and intuitive for navigation purposes.  Searching in here is the best, no other forum comes close.  It's so easy to find things.  I can't tell you how important that is.  There are other forums that have a lot of information and good people and content, but their forums are such a pain to navigate and search.  Like hydrogenaudio (foobar's forums) or musicplayer forums, etc.

The layout here is so easy to read and you can do so much with the posts.   You can edit them at any time, attach pictures easily.  It's all so nice and easy here.  This is so very important.  There is no other forum that does all of this so nicely.  If it were not for that, I would not participate here nearly as much, and I'm pretty sure that goes for a lot of other people.

The way this forum is structured makes it so easy for the user to just express what he wants to.  In other forums, there are a lot of obstacles, technically, that get in the way of true, natural, free expression.  After a while, you just give up and don't even want to participate.

And it's no accident, all of this.  Mouser and others here do a lot of work behind the scenes to tweak everything and get it to be this way.

Maybe another thing that makes DC special is that while there are plenty of places to find really good software, plenty of places to find really good coders, and plenty of places to find very knowledgeable techies, maybe there aren't so many places where non-experts are welcomed so enthusiastically into the discussions and projects?
-mouser (December 08, 2009, 01:25 PM)
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