Software > fSekrit
LATEST VERSION: fSekrit 1.40 shrinkwrapped!
fSekrit is a cool little app I keep in my cypto toolbox. If only you wrote it to use Serpent instead of Rijndael, but your Rubber-hose cryptanalysis analogy is correct.
I prefer, Electric Cattle-prod decryption...
I prefer, Electric Cattle-prod decryption...-AMWORLD (May 29, 2010, 06:35 AM)
--- End quote ---
I think the rubber hose method is better - you don't want to risk the neurological damage & amnesia that electric shock can introduce ;)
thanks for the link, much appreciated
BTW, since I installed Avast V6 free, I keep getting annoyed by messages related to Avast Sandbox : it usually insists on executing it within a sandbox, and no rule to prevent this can be easily defined since the application is launched from the user temp folder with a different name each time, such as fSekrit-02C5.exe.
I could disable the sandbox altogether, but since most alarms come from fsekrit, maybe something else could be done ?
MerleOne, you can use the "fsekrit.portable" approach to have the editor executable created in the same folder as the "document" itself - but it will still involve creating a temporary exe. Unfortunately there isn't really any way around this, a temporary exe is necessary in order to update the main exe. I've been pondering whether I should add a "installed" mode where a global installed fSekrit.exe is used as editor, but there's a few problems with that approach as well.
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