Software > fSekrit
LATEST VERSION: fSekrit 1.40 shrinkwrapped!
I prefer, Electric Cattle-prod decryption...-AMWORLD (May 29, 2010, 06:35 AM)
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I think the rubber hose method is better - you don't want to risk the neurological damage & amnesia that electric shock can introduce ;)
-f0dder (May 29, 2010, 07:09 AM)
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Never underestimate the effectiveness of a sharp stick!
MerleOne, you can use the "fsekrit.portable" approach to have the editor executable created in the same folder as the "document" itself - but it will still involve creating a temporary exe. Unfortunately there isn't really any way around this, a temporary exe is necessary in order to update the main exe. I've been pondering whether I should add a "installed" mode where a global installed fSekrit.exe is used as editor, but there's a few problems with that approach as well.
-f0dder (March 17, 2011, 01:16 PM)
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Thanks. How do I use this portable approach, I mean could you tell me where it is decribed ? Thanks.
It's not very well documented :-[
It's in the changelog.txt from 1.40:
- added: "portable" mode, which (for now) means it will not use %TEMP% to store
it's temporary editor executable, but instead store it in the same folder as
the opened document. Registry is still used for font selection, though!
To enabel this feature, create a file called "fSekrit.portable" in the same
folder as the document you want to function in portable mode.-changelog.txt
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Thanks !
Although some of the users posting here have evaluated this security solution alongside PGP/GPG, it should be noted that simplicity in security is critical. Even among some of the most paranoid, security conscious people I know, NOBODY uses PGP for some reason.
Few other things:
1. Any way to perhaps rename or change a fSekrit file so it will transfer across email services that block sending executables? Maybe a zip file inside a zip file or something similar?
2. You mentioned over on awhile back that you'd open the source code ... any chance that's going to happen?
I know this is an old project so if you'd like it to mothball, I certainly understand. Thanks for your work on it so far.
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