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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Be careful with your credit cards!

<< < (5/5)

I will simply send a UK cheque for the amount specified...
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and wait for an issue to appear in your letter box, and wait... and wait...

Despite my personal belief that just about any magazine subscription is a scam waiting to be perpetrated, I'm informed that we've never yet had a problem -- that's in Canada. All due issues have arrived, for ourselves and others for whom we arranged gift subscriptions, and no publisher has actually tried to rip us off. I did have a lot of problems trying to sort out some underhand stuff that my mother once walked into, in the U.K.

What we do get is a round of increasingly hysterical notices, first warning us that we're about to lose the opportunity of a lifetime if we do not renew, and then offering decreasing pricing levels that one can't help but feel should have been offered in the first place.  ;D


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