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Choosing a new PC package for a relative.. Post your recommendations

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I'm also thinking that a great thing to do for a relative when you set them up with a new pc, is install a virtual machine software for them (virtualbox, etc.) and install a copy of their OS in it (and maybe even linux if they want to experiment), and then instruct them on how to install new software programs on the virtual machine, and tell them that they should NEVER install anything onto their main pc that they aren't 100% sure they will want to keep using permanently.  Everything else they should install on the virtual machine.

I'm also thinking that a great thing to do for a relative when you set them up with a new pc, is install a virtual machine software for them (virtualbox, etc.) and install a copy of their OS in it (and maybe even linux if they want to experiment), and then instruct them on how to install new software programs on the virtual machine, and tell them that they should NEVER install anything onto their main pc that they aren't 100% sure they will want to keep using permanently.  Everything else they should install on the virtual machine.
-mouser (November 23, 2009, 08:59 AM)
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Interesting idea. Have you actually implemented this practically? I'd be curious to know whether people would actually take to the idea and keep it up.

- Oshyan

yeah that's the question, whether they couldand would actually use it.. no i haven't yet but i may.

The Vostro line isn't too bad. Just make sure to get a 3+ year on-site warranty (adds another $120 I think).

Get the extended warranty and a battery backup system. My workplace is primarily a dell shop (over 7000+ dells) and let's just say we are thankful for the extra long warranty our dells come with (negotiated 5 year warranty for the price of 3).

I have a WIP theory that Dell engineers their products to require warranty servicing.. kinda like when your car reaches 3000 or 5000 miles,  the check engine/maintence light comes on

like when your car reaches 3000 or 5000 miles,  the check engine/maintence light comes on
-Cloq (November 23, 2009, 01:06 PM)
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Mine came on aamof.  I opened the hood.  Yup!! Engine was still there!


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