Software > Circle Dock
Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
I do not want to change any setting because my other installed software work properly with the current settings. Please improve your software so that it works on any Windows XP and Vista and ... what ever the locale settings. This is the 1st time that I encounter a case where locale settings must be changed so as to install a software.
-ppass (December 11, 2009, 12:16 AM)
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First of all, I do happen to know that there are Circle Dock users in China, Russia, Japan and Russia and none of them have reported any similar problem to yours. We also have users in other non-English speaking countries who run the program without problem. I'll let you ponder as to why that might be.
As to whether Circle Dock modifies the Registry or stores its data outside its home folder, no it doesn't. It will set an entry in the Registry if you opt to start Circle Dock with Windows, however; all other settings, however, are stored within data files stored with the application. Circle Dock is, by default, a portable application. The "Portable Application" configuration setting modifies the pathing information used and should only be enabled if running from removeable media whose drive letter could change.
Finally, I'd like you to remember that both the Sarge and myself are here on a purely voluntary basis and that you can download and use the software without paying even one Yen for it. Perhaps you would bear this in mind when making future posts and not be so over-bearing.
Thank you.
Thanks for the clarification, easy to understand, thanks.
So that means that once I manage to install the software (which is not yet the case because I get an error) and turn "portable mode" on, then I can transfer the program folder to a USB memory and run it from there?
-ppass (December 11, 2009, 05:56 AM)
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Apparently I was incorrect about the Registry statement.
I was utilizing my experience from Rainmeter..and not all programs are alike.
Please refer to Markham's last post.
I am going to make a very bold and rare suggestion. I would not do this under normal conditions...and apparently what ever condition you are having is out side my experience level, or ability to wrap my head around.
I am going to suggest an action of wait.
Wait for the release of version 1.0, and then try again.
This is something that no one every wants to hear, but it is teh best recommendation I can gice at this time.
As to your actual should be able to set CircleDock to portable mode then move the file to a thumb drive.
If this is your utilize CircleDock as a portable launcher.....I would set the configuration, and move teh file...prior to modifying CircleDock with Icons, shortcuts and folders.
I would alsop go so far as to tell you to try this, and then see if CircleDock works on other computers as a portable solution.
I think the answer to both your problems lies in your Unicode settings ... please check them.
-Markham (December 10, 2009, 11:59 PM)
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hi Mark, I went to the settings, and checked, but every setting I can see, says German, or Germany.
I can change the country, but I don't see, where to change the "unicode" setting?
Edit: I just saw the new reply of sgtevmckay, its ok then, I will wait, till final is out, and try out circle dock again.
thank you both for continuing this project!
I went to the settings, and checked, but every setting I can see, says German, or Germany.
I can change the country, but I don't see, where to change the "unicode" setting?
-ender (December 11, 2009, 01:38 PM)
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I've just rebooted my PC with Germany as the locale and Circle Dock is, I'm afraid to say, working as it should.
In the error message you get when starting Circle Dock, what character are you seeing for the file path that should be a back-slash ("\")? You should see something like "C:\Program Files\CircleDock\System\Settings\Config.ini". Maybe the answer to that will give me a clue.
In the error message you get when starting Circle Dock, what character are you seeing for the file path that should be a back-slash ("\")? You should see something like "C:\Program Files\CircleDock\System\Settings\Config.ini". Maybe the answer to that will give me a clue.
-Markham (December 11, 2009, 02:22 PM)
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hi Mark, I finally found the problem, it was just me, unable to follow instructions carefully.
I reread the steps on top, and realized, I never placed your beta version into the proper folder of the old installed version.
I apologize for the confusion this caused, and will now go and do it properly!
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