Software > Circle Dock
Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
Ok folks, here it is - Circle Dock with elliptical dock shape! Please read these notes carefully before trying this Beta.
* This is Beta Code and will, in all likelihood, contain some bugs.
* The attached Zip file contains only the Circle Dock executable file. You must already have installed the latest v0.9.3/1 release.
* Before unzipping the Beta executable, exit all instances of Circle Dock that you have running.
* I strongly suggest that you make a backup copy of your CircleDock.Exe file by, for example, renaming it to "CircleDock-".
* You can now safely unzip Beta 1 into your CircleDock folder and play with the new features
* To change the dock's shape from Circle to Ellipse, bring up the main Properties dialog and select the "Dock Shape" tab, click on the "Shape" combo and select "Ellipse". Having done that, you'll probably want to adjust the height and width of the "rings" using the sliders provided on the "Ellipse" sub-tab. You can also adjust the width of the background on the "Background" sub-tab of the "Elements" tab - this will resize the background using the same aspect ratio as the "rings". .
* One of the changes made to this release is that all image rendering is now done at the highest possible quality and all the images will now appear crisper and the labels clearer. However, this is at the expense of speed and whilst this won't be a problem for those with faster CPUs, it might appear to be slower on older, less "meaty" PCs. You can disable this option and use the faster image rendering of previous releases on the "Other" sub-tab of the "General" tab.
Please report any bugs you find - and your comments and suggestions - as replies to this Topic thread.
Thank you - enjoy and please psot some feedback!
Download link: (1434.42 kB - downloaded 1601 times.)
1. need confirm to delete item icon.
2. issue with to add "File, Folder or special" and "Folder Stack", you never can stop or cancel the action, even you select nothing
Test in progress...
1. need confirm to delete item icon.
2. issue with to add "File, Folder or special" and "Folder Stack", you never can stop or cancel the action, even you select nothing
-meet2002 (November 18, 2009, 08:23 PM)
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Some users may disagree with you regard your first point. Your second point is a good catch and I've fixed that issue. Thanks!
1. need confirm to delete item icon.
2. issue with to add "File, Folder or special" and "Folder Stack", you never can stop or cancel the action, even you select nothing
-meet2002 (November 18, 2009, 08:23 PM)
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Some users may disagree with you regard your first point. Your second point is a good catch and I've fixed that issue. Thanks!
-Markham (November 19, 2009, 04:06 AM)
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Regarding to point 1, sometimes I lost the item by just clicking the item icon in some kind of conditions, maybe my computer is too slow now. I just try to find out the real reason why I lost my item icon. Thanks for your efforts, it's a great product.
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