News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client
I tried this lately - looks great out of the box, but I had trouble using keyboard to navigate.
I posted in the english section of the (french) forum but got no response (most threads had no response)
A post since then sums up other problems
1. There is no way to disable the loading of remote images in HTML view. Remote images are one of the ways spammes can verify if an email address is valid or not.
2. The ability to turn preview pane on/off should be able to be set on a "by folder" basis. (And, by default the preview pane should be disabled for the Junk Mail folder.)
3. When I right-click a folder in the folder list it opens that folder in the message list rather than just displaying the context menu. For example, I want to right-click the Trash folder to empty it. I don't necessarily need to to see the messages in the folder's message list. I just need to empty the Trash, not see it. Every other email client I have used only displays the context menu on a right-click.
4. If I select a message in the message list to view in the preview pane and then need to scroll the message to read all of the contents, I can't simply just hit the delete button on my keyboard to delete the message. The focus has to be placed back in the message list before the delete key works. The message is still selected, but as long as the focus is on the preview pane the message does not get deleted with the delete key.
5. Ability to "sanitize" HTML messages, as in Thunderbird and several other email clients.
6. The menu system is very "non-standard". Items are not where they are expected to be. It is common convention (in almost every Windows program) to place "Print" in the file menu. However, DreamMail places it in the Mail menu. But, on the contrary, one would think "Compose" would be in the Mail menu, but it is under tools. Why? It doesn't make sense. The menus need to be completely redone.
7. The spam filter seems to have no rhyme or reason to what it considers spam. There is no explanation that I can find as to whether this is a Bayesian filter or what criteria it uses. It has had a horrible detection rate for me with many missed spam messages making it into my inbox and A LOT of false positives.
8. The program, by default, does not adhere to the standard of placing the mail database, user account data, etc. in the %APPDATA% directory, which is typically c:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data. Trying to move the data there using MultiUser Management but it did not work.
9. Tabbing in the compose window take the user from the "To:" field, to the "CC:" field, to the "Subject" field, etc. and the loops back through those fields. Tabbing does not take you into the message text area as it should.
10. Pasting from another prorgam (I pasted most of this message from notepad) seems to cause strange things to happen with line breaks. Some lines break in the middle of the window, others scroll out of view. I also noticed that pasting with special characters seems to force a line break at that special character. (- % etc.)
11. From what I can tell, DreamMail uses IE to render HTML mail. This is the reason I moved away from Outlook Express many years ago. Is there any chance that the option to use Gecko or a proprietary HTML rendering engine will be developed in the future?
12. No spell checker.
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i say how bout an email client with proper tagging (ditto for a note taker, a PIM, ...) :(
new version out -
new website -
There's a portable version as well
05-07-07 : DreamMail
« on: 10 May 2007 à 19:47:59 »
Reply with quoteQuote
New :
Increased the mail restore function
Increased the function of backup-point management
Revised the bug of mail filter can't save account information
Renewed the spam rule (only for chinese version)
Improved: Login script of "" (webmail)
Improved: Can delete mail index file when compress/repair database
Improved: Show a confirm dialog box when move mail folder
Improved: Make a judgment when open a damaged DMD file Automatically
Improved: Auto-repair database when empty "Trash Folder" Error
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link to download page in english forum:,1026.msg3728.html#msg3728
new home page
strangely my posts (two) have dissappeared - I think they deleted all english posts from before 2007. :tellme:
I registered 29th Dec 2006, so probably made my posts in 2006 still.
The person who I quoted in last post was still unhappy on the 4th of May so I dont know if the new release addressed any of his issues
In fact I just deleted my account there -
because they were showing my email address in a new post I made,
in spite of me having "hide my email.." selected
oh well...
In fact I just deleted my account there -
because they were showing my email address in a new post I made,
in spite of me having "hide my email.." selected
oh well...
-tomos (June 11, 2007, 11:22 AM)
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wanted to warn others there but not allowed to post as a guest - or to register -
"Sorry, regristration is currently disabled"
oh well again ...
So what was the outcome? :huh:
-mitzevo (December 05, 2006, 09:57 AM)
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It's been haunting me. Better late than never hé!
Tools/Language and it takes a minute but it will make the switch.
So what was the outcome? :huh:
-mitzevo (December 05, 2006, 09:57 AM)
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It's been haunting me. Better late than never hé!
Tools/Language and it takes a minute but it will make the switch.
-dantheman (October 10, 2007, 04:27 AM)
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are you using it then/still?
happy with it?
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