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What books are you reading?

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Looks interesting. Which one of these is the first saga?-phitsc (July 15, 2016, 08:21 AM)
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Who are you addressing?

If it's me for the two books by Pernille Rygg, then original publication dates (don't know whether these are original Norwegian, or more likely English translation) are:

The Butterfly Effect (1997)
The Golden Section (2003)
-rjbull (July 15, 2016, 05:09 PM)
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It was related to a book series for which I can't see the post anymore. Either I was addressing a post which has been removed, or I had a digital hallucination.
-phitsc (July 18, 2016, 07:36 AM)
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I prefer my hallucinations analog.  At least then there is some correspondence to reality.  :)

Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14, by Scott Meyers

As a long time C++ coder, I'm still skeptical of the benefits to releasing new versions of C++, but it's a good book, and one of those books where you learn interesting things about language design.  Note: Not suitable for learning C++ only for those with lots of C++ coding experience.


So, fresh off of my "The Martian" kick, I decided to learn more about the Mars Rover, Curiosity. As such, the next book in my line-up is "Mars Rover Curiosity: An Inside Account from Curiosity's Chief Engineer". This book details the challenges facing the team who built the most complex spacecraft ever designed. I am about half way through and the project was just extended from a 2009 launch date to 2011.

It really amazes me just how many topics covered in "The Martian" by Andy Weir are actually mentioned by the engineers who built Curiosity. Great read so far!



I just started the novel that was the basis of the movie Limitless.

The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn

I am still only about six chapters in.  The writing style is fine. I just wish the font was a bit darker.

Edit: I have about 20 pages left to read.  If you liked the move Limitless definitely read this book.  Several things that drove me crazy in the movie were handled much more logically and made much more sense in the novel.


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