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What books are you reading?

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As for "Theological discussion and debate, in actual practice, is something best left to professionals.", that is a disastrous assumption to make.-NigelH (August 30, 2012, 11:05 PM)
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Hardly an assumption by any stretch. It is my conclusion after much serious thought and consideration.

Again, I'm referring only to the Bible.
There is no other divinely inspired book.

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I will neither agree nor disagree.

And perhaps it's best if we let it rest here.

As Mouser has previously pointed out, DoCo's forum is generally not an appropriate place for ongoing discussions or debates about political or religious subjects. Let's get back to talking about books as simply things to read. And maybe leave the issue of divine or inspired authorship for another place and day?

(The same goes for you folks on the other side of the aisle. :P )

Good chatting. Best! :)

And perhaps it's best if we let it rest here.-40hz (August 30, 2012, 11:47 PM)
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Perhaps you want to read something like this (Atheism and Mass Murder)*conservepedia when you refer to dangerous.As for delusion, unfortunately Richard Dawkins at the end of his life will discover to his eternal horror how deluded he really was.
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Conservepedia and typical death-bed threat delusion?
The same comment applies to those who believe similarly.
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Divine threat or something?

There is no other divinely inspired book.
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 *sigh* this is book reading list thread for galactus sake. Let's move on.

Just finished - Getting Good with GIT - Andrew burgess.

Umberto Eco: The Prague Cemetery

In an effort to reduce the number of books around the abode, trying (again) to get through the following:

* The Fabric of the Cosmos
* de Bono's Thinking Course, Revised Edition
* The Second Brain
They are all turning out to be more interesting this time through...
-ewemoa (August 30, 2012, 11:31 PM)
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Unfortunately, the Number Of Books In The Abode increases like Fibonacci, while (mine at least) reading powers only manage between 4-7 per year in my current weakened state. :(


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